Discover the intriguing world of "Voice of the Lobster #1," a special publication from 1978 created by the talented duo David Emerson and Elaine Stansfield. This magazine is not just another collectible; it's a piece of literary art that captures the essence of its time. If you appreciate unique publications that offer a glimpse into the past, this magazine is a must-have for your collection.
Whether you're a seasoned collector or just starting your journey into the world of vintage magazines, "Voice of the Lobster #1" offers something special for everyone. Its pages are filled with thought-provoking articles, captivating illustrations, and a sense of nostalgia that takes you back to a more simple time. This publication is an excellent conversation starter or a thoughtful gift for a fellow enthusiast.
Condition is paramount for collectors, and this magazine does not disappoint. It is in good condition, showcasing only minor wear. Each page tells a story, and even the slight imperfections add to its charm. It comes with a plastic protective covering, ensuring that it remains shielded from unwanted damage while still being display-worthy.
The key features of "Voice of the Lobster #1" include:
- Good overall condition with minor wear.
- Plastic protective covering for preservation.
Don't miss out on the opportunity to own this unique publication. The images included provide a visual snapshot of what to expect. See the condition for yourself in the photo below:
Whether you plan to showcase it in your collection, read it cover to cover, or both, "Voice of the Lobster #1" will certainly add character and depth. Embrace the nostalgia and allure of vintage literature with this exceptional magazine!